Stochastic and Data Science - Laura Sacerdote

Laura Sacerdote
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The Master's Degree in Stochastics and Data Science is a new two-year graduate course (Laurea Magistrale within the Italian University system) that aims at preparing students with a modern education in probabilistic, statistical and computational methods.
Inspired by the best programs in Data Science recently started in the USA and Europe, and currently the only offer of this type in Italy, this course is a joint initiative of the Mathematics, ESOMAS and Computer Science Departments of the University of Torino.
The Program is entirely taught in English and will provide students with a solid knowledge in key topics of Applied Mathematics, Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning. These are nowadays essential tools for performing mathematical modelling under uncertainty and for analysing complex, high dimensional datasets with a deep mathematical understanding of the underneath structures.

Coordinator of the Master's Degree in

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